Sunday 10 September 2017

Rally – Keep fossil fuels in the ground, skip fracking, go to renewables

Rally – Keep fossil fuels in the ground, skip fracking, go to renewables

On 14 October people from all over the world will be taking action to protect our climate from fossil fuels. From groups fighting giant oil companies in Africa, to communities already feeling the impact of rising sea levels, the whole of Friends of the Earth’s global community will unite for a day of action. Our message to the world: keep fossil fuels in the ground. It’s our best hope of stopping the most devastating consequences of climate change.

Here in Sheffield we have organised a fun family friendly rally outside the City Hall with the theme of keeping fossil fuels in the ground, skipping fracking and moving to clean renewables.

Because oil, coal and gas are seen as dinosaur fuels we would like as many dinosaur props as possible - inflatable dinosaurs, children’s t-shirts, face masks and placards etc. After the rally there will be a mass deflation of the inflatable dinosaurs to signify the end of fossil fuels.

Order of rally:

10.30 - People start to assemble at Barkers Pool – City Hall.
11.00 - Rally starts.
11.45 - Rally ends with a mass deflation of the inflatable dinosaurs
11:45 - 12:30 – music from Sheffield Socialist Choir and Sheffield Samba Band

Speakers include:
  • MC - David Burley—Frack Free South Yorkshire
  • Paul Blomfield MP - Sheffield Central MP and Shadow Brexit Minister
  • John Campbell - Deputy Convenor for Yorkshire and Humberside Unison
  • Dave Kesteven - Eckington Against Fracking
  • Deborah Smith - South Yorkshire Fossil Free Divestment Group
  • Richard Dyer - Friends of the Earth Fossil Free and Clean Air Campaigner
  • Tina-Louise Rothery  -  Frack Free Lancashire campaigner
We are planning for family/children friendly activities - colouring, models if possible. More details will be added as they are confirmed.

See for the Facebook event.

Friends of the Earth will be using the hashtags of #ProtectOurFutures and #NotHereNotAnywhere for the day of action on Saturday 14 October. Please take lots of pictures and post them on social media.

We'll have some "Don't Frack our Futures" props on the day which we'll circulate around. We are asking people to take selfies with the suggested posts:

Facebook: Today I'm asking Greg Clark MP to #ProtectOurFutures & our climate. Ask him to stop #fracking before it starts:

Twitter: Today I'm asking @GregClarkMP to #ProtectOurFutures & our climate. Ask him to stop #fracking before it starts: