Monday 16 October 2017

Group News - October 2017

Group Development
ACTION: Richard will follow up with national FoE who are keen to support local group development.

History of Activism and Protest
Louisa Briggs from Museums Sheffield - Project Curator (Sheffield: Protest and Activism) will hopefully visit us in November to discuss donation of campaign materials to the museum.

One of the first Sheffield Friends of the Earth Newsletters from 1974

Pound Coins

Richard has ensured we don’t have old pound coins in our collecting tins or float.

Christmas Meal
A menu has been circulated and booked in for 18 December.
ACTION: Liddy will ask people to sign up and give menu choices in advance (late November).

The Sheffield Climate Alliance AGM is on 17/10/17;

Zero Carbon Yorkshire event for SCA hosted by university 28/29 Oct

George Marshall giving a talk through the Carbon Neutral University group:

Next FoE meeting 
Our next meeting will be on 20 November 2017 at 7.30pm:
ACTION: Chair and note taker needed